Rabu, 21 November 2012

The Styles of Business Letters (Layouts of Business Letters) have undergone changes over the period of time. In the old times, the style was followed strictly. But recently liberty has been given to the business people to follow their own styles. Although no room was allowed for deviation form the standard form an effective letter during old days, the letters written then was more effective. There are still many business houses which use the old layout. But things have become much easier and business people have taken liberty in their approach towards adopting the layout of their business letters.

  1. Fully-Indented Style

  2. Semi-Indented Style

  3. Hanging-Indented Style

  4. Fully-Blocked Style

  5. Modified Block Style

  6. Simplified Style

  7. Memorandum
Reference : http://www.effective-business-letters.com/Styles-of-Business-Letters.html